How to travel from Danang to Hue

How to travel from Danang to Hue?

What is the distance from Danang to Hue? How to travel from Danang to Hue? By what means? How long?

This Private Car Transfer Hoi An article will help you with the above questions.!

Distance from Da Nang to Hue: Hue city is about 100km from Danang, it will take you about 2 hours to 2 hours 30 minutes to move.

How to travel from Danang to Hue
Map – How to get to Hue from Danang Airport

There are 5 most convenient transportation options that you can choose to travel from Da Nang to Hue:

Bus Danang – Hue

How to travel from Danang to Hue
Open Bus Danang to Hue

Buses are a popular option when traveling from Danang to Hue. You can ride to Hue by high-quality car of the specialist Opentour or Da Nang bus station to catch the bus to Hue.

Some car parks running on the route of Danang – Hue such as Phuong Trang Bus, Hanh Café Bus, Sinh Tourist Bus, Hieu Hoa Bus, … with the usual price of 90,000 VND / trip. There are also a number of high quality car brands such as HAV Limousine Bus, Ray Tourist, … with prices from 140,000 VND to 150,000 VND per trip.

But what is the downside?

When traveling by passenger car, the quality is not high, not equipped with air conditioning, inconvenient, the bus does not take place … the car will go to the Hai Van tunnel so you do not admire the natural beauty here.

Taxi Danang – Hue

How to travel from Danang to Hue
Taxi Danang to Hue

Taxi is also a very convenient option to travel from Danang to Hue. However, with more than 100km distance, the price is not cheap. Normally, 5-seat Taxi to Hue ancient capital is VND 1,150,000 (one way, 100km) and 1,500,000 VND (two-way, 200km); 8-seat taxi is VND 1,250,000 (one-way) and VND 1,700,000 (two-way).
But what is the downside?

The cost is a bit high and moving quickly, so it is difficult to stop to check-in places on the trip.

Private Car Danang – Hue

How to travel from Danang to Hue
Private Car service Danang to Hue

Transfer From Danang to Hue takes about 2 hours (100km) and is the fastest, most comfortable and convenient option when traveling between two destinations.

Moreover, you also have the opportunity to experience some great sightseeing opportunities when traveling from Danang to Hue by private car with professional driver that you do not have when traveling by taxi or bus and also for you.

Chance to know more about local life, Vietnamese culture! Transport from Danang to Hue is easier with the Private Car Transfer Hoi An. Transfer from Da Nang airport to Hue is the same price.

Price list for Private Car Danang to Hue
Schedule Sedan

Max (3 Pax – 2 Baggages)


Max (4 Pax – 3 Baggages)


Max (8 Pax – 6 Baggages)

Danang to Hue  1,100,000  1,350,000 1,550,000
Danang to Hue Day Trip(1 Day) 1,900,000 2,200,000 2,400,000

The advantages of choosing a private car:

The driver will be waiting for you and help you with your belongings, suitcases, etc. It does not take your time. Stop check-in at your request. Introduce travel information where you are visiting.

Train Danang – Hue

How to travel from Danang to Hue
Train Danang to Hue

The railway from Danang station to Hue station is about 103 km. There are 7 vessels including SE2, SE4, SE6, SE8, SE20, SE22, and TN2. Types of chairs include hard chairs, soft chairs, hard seats (6-bed compartment) and soft seats (4-bed compartments), called cabins. Each cabin is designed with air conditioning and comfortable seats. The train fare is usually from VND 35,000 to VND 90,000 depending on the train and seat type.

An interesting point when traveling by train is that you will admire the beautiful scenery of the Truong Son mountain range of Hai Van Pass and see many other beautiful places where the train runs.

Motorcycle Danang – Hue

You can also travel by motorbike, especially for those who love to travel. If you ride a motorbike from Da Nang to Hue and vice versa, you can go by the pass or the tunnel.

How to travel from Danang to Hue
Motorcycle Danang to Hue

If you follow the Hai Van Pass road, you can stop at the back of the pass to admire Lang Co, Hai Van Quan, … This will be a very interesting experience. However, this road is also prone to robbery so you need to be careful. If you follow the mountain pass, it is best not to go in the morning too early or too late as this will be unsafe.

If you take the tunnel, drive to the tunnel and park your motorbike at the office of the Hai Van Pass Tunnel Management Office. The truck will take your motorbike to the other side of the hatch, and you will take the transfer bus and take the car back at the other hatch.

Some reputable motorbike rental addresses in Danang (delivery at the hotel or the airport):

Binh Minh Motorbike Rental : 0986 86 29 86 – 0962 200 179
Phuong Binh motorbike rental : 090 6 408 040
Rent a motorbike of Truong Dat : 0969,722,744 (A. Tan) and 0969,822,844 (A. Hung).
Renting a motorbike Le Truong : 0981,331,331 (A. Thuyen).

With the above information, Pirvate Car Transfer Hoi An hopes you will choose the most suitable vehicle for you to travel from Danang to Hue and vice versa. If you are going to come to Danang or have just arrived at Danang airport and want to visit many places in Danang before coming to Hue, please prepare your transportation. Book now for the most economical price and make sure you have a car to pick you up at the airport.

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