Bus Phong Nha to Hue – Phong Nha Bus Transfer services
How to move from Phong Nha to Hue quickly and economically. How can I comfortably visit places on the trip? Should choose a Bus or a Train to move? If things make you think and worry here, we will answer for you now with useful information below:
Bus Phong Nha to Hue is the easiest and cheapest way to transfer from Phong Nha to Hue to visit. It is a relatively convenient route with buses provided from some companies, but if you need to be quick and safe, it is more convenient to use a private car.
Bus Phong Nha to Hue has 3 identical options for you to choose:
– If you are going Bus from Phong Nha to Hue, we recommend going to Hung Thanh Bus Company, departing from 4:00 – 4:30 am from Thanh Phat Hotel and arriving in Hue City during the period from 8:00 – 9:00 am
– You also have the option of Tan Nhat bus, departing from Phong Nha Tourist Center between 15:00 – 16:00 (3:00 – 4:00 PM) and arriving in Hue at 20:00 ( 8:00 PM). Unfortunately, their schedules are not always consistent
– Your third option is the DMZ bus, also stopping at the Vinh Moc tunnel and Ben Hai river; This bus departs at 6:00 AM from Phong Nha.
Bus | Option 1:Hung Thanh Bus
(0234.3831417 – 0976.32.9090) |
Option 2: Tan Nhat Bus
(0234.3935757 – 0234.3938388) |
Option 3:DMZ Bus
(0234. 2241904) |
Departure time |
4:00 – 4:30 AM |
15:00 – 16:00 PM |
6:00 AM |
Arrival time | 8:00 – 9:00 AM | 20:00 PM |
10:30 AM |
Price |
220,000 VND/pax |
330,000 VND/pax |
550,000 VND/pax |
Pick up |
Thanh Phat Hotel |
Phong Nha Tourism Center |
Thanh Phat Hotel |
Drop off | 49 Chu Van An, Hue | 1A Hung Vuong St, Hue |
DMZ Bar Hue |
Note: DMZ bus will stop at the Vinh Moc Tunnels and Ben Hai River. The price includes transportation fee, entrance fees, and a local guide.
The above is a detailed information about the Bus Phong Nha to Hue, hopefully the above information provided for many passengers can choose to fit their schedule. In addition, we also have private car from Danang to Phong Nha to diversify the means of travel for you to have many new choices. Wish you have meaningful trips.